Eardrum Surgery

Eardrum Surgery

Tympanoplasty Eardrum Surgery?

Eardrum surgery , commonly known as tympanoplasty , involves repairing a damaged or ruptured eardrum. The eardrum is located between the outer ear and the middle ear and helps sound waves pass through. A ruptured or perforated eardrum can cause hearing loss, infections, and other health problems. Eardrum surgery is performed in a hospital or surgical center and is usually done using general or local anesthesia. Surgery may vary depending on the size and location of the tear and the patient’s overall health.

Some common types of surgery may include:

Tympanoplasty : This is used to repair a ruptured or perforated eardrum. The surgeon usually cuts the membrane around the tear and repairs it with a graft.

Myringoplasty : This is a simpler procedure used to repair smaller tears.

Mastoid Surgery: This is a more complex procedure where infection in the middle ear is found and tympanoplasty It can be done together with .

After surgery, the patient can usually go home the same day, but in some cases he may need to stay in the hospital overnight. The healing process may vary depending on the size of the tear and the techniques used. You can usually return to normal activities within a few weeks, but full recovery may take several months.

How is Eardrum Surgery Performed?

Eardrum surgery is a surgical procedure to repair a ruptured or damaged eardrum. This operation can be performed using different techniques depending on the patient’s condition.

Anesthesia: The surgery can be performed under general or local anesthesia. Which type of anesthesia is used may depend on the surgeon’s preference, the complexity of the surgery, and the patient’s overall health.

Entry Method: Surgical intervention can be performed through the ear or behind the ear, depending on the size and location of the hole. If there are small holes or an ear canal of suitable width, the procedure can be performed by entering through the ear.

Patch Material: The patch material to be used to close the hole can be different tissues such as ear cartilage, the membrane surrounding the cartilage, both, or the membrane of the chewing muscle.

Healing Process: The integration process of the patch usually takes 2-3 weeks, but hearing recovery may take 2-3 months. Regular doctor checks are important during this period, and at least 6 weeks should be waited to make a clear evaluation of hearing.

Success Rate and Repeat Surgeries: Eardrum surgeries are generally quite successful, but sometimes a repeat operation may be required if the hole does not close completely.

Eardrum surgery offers an effective solution to prevent hearing loss and other health problems. Correct planning and execution of surgery can significantly improve the patient’s quality of life. Therefore, it is important for the patient to choose an experienced surgeon to perform this surgery and to have detailed information about all aspects of the surgery.

Postoperative Period

There are some important points that patients should consider after eardrum surgery. Here is an overview of the postoperative period:

  • The dressing placed on the ear after surgery can usually be removed after 24 hours.
  • The tampon placed in the external ear canal is removed after approximately 1-3 weeks, this period may vary depending on the situation.
  • Since a slight pain may occur, it can be controlled with simple painkillers.
  • It is normal to have a slight discharge that gradually decreases after the surgery and is not a cause for concern.
  • After surgery performed behind the ear, there may be slight numbness in the area. This is usually temporary and improves over time.
  • The substances used to hold the patch in place usually dissolve on their own, so they do not need to be removed.
  • It is generally recommended to avoid contact with water, avoid heavy lifting, and observe other physical restrictions for the first few weeks after surgery.
  • It is very important to stick to scheduled check-up appointments to regularly monitor the healing process.

The postoperative period may be different for each patient, so it is best to follow the surgeon’s specific instructions. In case of any abnormal symptoms or concerns during this period, a doctor should be consulted immediately. This can help the patient have a quick and successful recovery.

What are the Risks After Eardrum Surgery?

There are some critical instructions that the patient must follow after eardrum repair. Here are the things that patients should pay attention to after surgery:

  • It is recommended to keep the head elevated during the first week. This can be achieved by using 2-3 pillows on the bed.
  • Consuming soft, fibrous and juicy foods can facilitate digestion.
  • Coughing, straining, and blowing the nose hard should be avoided because these movements can put pressure on the middle ear.
  • Heavy exercise and sports should be avoided for at least 1 month after surgery. Water sports should be suspended for at least 6 months.
  • Heavy lifting should be avoided for the first 15 days after surgery.
  • Vaseline cotton or a special tampon can be used while bathing to prevent water from entering the ear for at least 2 months .
  • Painkillers and other medications recommended by the doctor should be taken as prescribed.
  • Planned doctor visits should be made regularly to monitor the healing process.
  • In case of any abnormality, severe pain or signs of middle ear infection, a healthcare professional should be contacted immediately.

What is the Price of Eardrum Surgery?

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does the Surgery Take?

A typical eardrum surgery usually takes 1-2 hours, but this time may vary depending on the situation.

How Long is the Recovery Time?

Full recovery may take 2-3 months, but most patients can return to normal activities within a few weeks.

Is There Pain After Surgery?

There may be mild pain, but it can usually be controlled with simple painkillers.

When Can I Return to Work After Surgery?

Most patients can return to work within a few weeks after surgery, although this may vary depending on the situation.

What is the Success Rate of the Surgery?

Eardrum surgeries are generally quite successful, but in some cases, a repeat operation may be required if the hole is not completely closed.

When can water sports and swimming be done?

Water sports and swimming should generally be avoided for at least 6 months.
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